Westminster businesses must have a liquor license before they are allowed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages.
Westminster Restaurants, Bars and Liquor Stores all must obtain a Westminster Liquor License before they can sell alcohol beverages. All retail liquor licenses applications are submitted to the Westminster Local Licensing Authority. Once your liquor license application is submitted, a hearing will be held and then the application ruled upon by the Local Licensing Authority. The Westminster Local Licensing Authority processes all types of retail liquor license transactions and applications.
If you intend to only manufacture alcohol beverages, e.g., a distillery, brewery or winery, you will apply directly to the State of Colorado – NOT the city of Westminster. Colorado liquor laws and rules govern the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any person intending to manufacture, sell, or deal in spirituous liquor in the State of Colorado must apply for a Colorado liquor license.
Do You Need a Lawyer to Obtain a Westminster Liquor License?
Not necessarily, but it is recommended as the liquor license hearing is a quasi-judicial proceeding, and if your liquor license application is denied, you have a right to appeal. The liquor license appeal will be based on the record created before the Westminster Local Licensing Authority, so if you do not create a proper record, a successful appeal of the license denial will be significantly more difficult to achieve.
Before applying for a liquor license, applicants must review and be familiar with the Colorado Liquor Code and Colorado Liquor Rules and other laws that pertain to liquor licenses and procedures. an applicant/licensee must also review state statutes, rules and regulations, and local ordinances applicable to their circumstance. While extremely helpful through the process, the Westminster City Clerk cannot answer questions regarding how the rules, statutes, ordinances, and regulations apply to an applicant/licensee’s situation; such questions should be directed to a lawyer.
Also important to consider: LLCs and Corporations may not appear “pro se” in Colorado Courts, with very limited exceptions. While many licensing authorities permit LLCs and Corporations to represent themselves at liquor license hearings, a very strong argument can be made that this is improper.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Westminster Liquor License?
The liquor licensing process generally takes three to four months (sometimes longer) to complete. Getting started as soon as possible before your business plans to open is best. Westminster requires zoning approval for a liquor license and this adds time to the process.
Process for Obtaining a Westminster Liquor License
- Have properly formed business entity (Colorado LLC or Corporation, for example).
- Have an executed lease (for a period of over one year), or own the property to be licensed.
- Choose the proper type of Colorado Liquor License for your establishment.
- Common Westminster Colorado Liquor License Types Are:
- Hotel Restaurant License
- Retail Liquor Store License
- Tavern License
- Brew Pub License
- Beer and Wine License
- Fermented Malt Beverage and Wine Retailer License
- Distillery Pub License
- Common Westminster Colorado Liquor License Types Are:
- Determine whether there is an existing zoning use permit for your address, if not, apply for a Westminster Liquor License Zoning Verification.
- Choose the correct permit application from the State.
- Get fingerprinted.
- Submit the liquor license application to the City of Westminster.
- Pay any liquor license fees associated with the liquor license application.
- Post a public notice.
- A Public Notice must be posted conspicuously at the physical location of the premises no less than 10 days before the public hearing.
- Petition the neighborhood.
- The Westminster Local Licensing Authority considers the “need and desires” of the adult inhabitants of the neighborhood as evidenced by documentation from residents and/or businesses in the neighborhood of the address to be licensed.
- Attend a liquor license public hearing.
- Applications that are approved by the Westminster Local Licensing Authority are forwarded to the Colorado State Liquor Enforcement Division for final approval and issuance.
Westminster Liquor License Renewal
Liquor licenses are valid for a period of one year. Once the liquor license is obtained, it must be renewed annually. Westminster Liquor License Renewal applications must be submitted 45 days prior to license expiration date, while Colorado Special Event liquor permit applications must be submitted 60 days prior to the event.
Liquor License Violations
All Colorado Liquor Licensees are subject to the laws and rules of Colorado that govern the manufacture, distribution, sale and service of alcohol in the State of Colorado. The most common liquor license violations we see are for failure to pass a compliance check, for the sale of alcohol to a minor. Even with the best training, mistakes happen. The key is to understand who is being cited with the Colorado liquor law violation, why the liquor violations occurred and to know your options.
Westminster Liquor License Lawyers
Our Westminster liquor license lawyers are ready to assist in obtaining an Westminster Liquor License and defend your restaurant, brewery, distillery pub, bar, or other liquor licensed business against any Colorado liquor license violations. Whether you need to transfer, modify, or obtain a new liquor license, our beverage attorneys will start by addressing your needs and continue to provide guidance along the way. Your goals and bottom line are our priority. Contact the Colorado liquor license lawyers at LaszloLaw today to discuss your Westminster liquor license needs.
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Our Westminster Lawyers represent companies and individuals in a wide array of disputes.
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LaszloLaw routinely serves as outside general counsel for Westminster businesses of all sizes.
Westminster Liquor Lawyer
Our Beverage Attorneys help Westminster business obtain and keep their Liquor Licenses.
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