Here’s What You Need To Know About A Colorado Tavern License
A Colorado Tavern License permits the sale of beer, wine, and liquor for consumption on the premises. A traditional Colorado bar requires a tavern license.
Before you can apply for a Colorado Tavern License
Before you apply, you (your company) will need to be a properly formed business entity. For a discussion on Colorado Corporate Formation, go HERE.
Next, you’ll need a signed lease or proof you own the premises where the bar will be located. Yes, a signed lease is required before you even apply for the tavern license. Therefore, we recommend consulting with Colorado liquor license attorney before negotiating and signing a lease.
Applying for a Colorado Tavern License
One of several factors that the Authority must consider in evaluating a new license is whether the designated neighborhood “needs and desires” the tavern license at the proposed location. The tavern license application has the burden of proving the needs and desires of the neighborhood will be met – this is done by petitioning the neighborhood.A
Keep in mind that 500 foot distance restriction from public and parochial schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries applies to new Colorado tavern applications.
Food Service Requirements For Colorado Tavern License
A Colorado Tavern must have available a minimum of sandwiches (pizza or burritos generally meet this requirement) and light snacks (think nuts and popcorn) to patrons during all hours when the sale of alcohol is provided; however, Colorado tavern licensees may serve as much of a meal as they desire. Compare this to a Colorado Hotel and Restaurant license that requires, among other things, that at least 25% of the gross annual income must be from the sale of food.
Colorado Liquor License Lawyers at LaszloLaw
Our Colorado Liquor License lawyers are ready to assist in obtaining a Colorado liquor license. Whether you need to transfer, modify, or obtain a new liquor license, our beverage attorneys will start by addressing your needs and continue to provide guidance along the way. Your goals and bottom line are our priority. Contact the Colorado beverage lawyers at LaszloLaw today to discuss your Colorado liquor license needs.